
What do people think of PenPal World?

To the people at Pen Pal World Support, I just wanted to thank you for your quick response, and for letting me know that you have taken care of the issue I wrote to you about,I have..in the past had things I felt needed to be looked into and you have always been of such great help. Pen pal world is such a great site,a way for people to make friends from all over the world and would not be possible if it were not for you...Thank you so much.
Katie (62) from Ireland

I'm just another happy customer that would like to say "Thank you." This is an excellent Site and I feel safe in using it. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into it.
Boo (76) from Canada

I thank you for your good service. You have the best pen pal club around, and as long as I am alive, I will stay a member.THANK YOU!
Arthur (71) from USA

I just want to say that I'm extremely impressed with your support.
Eleanor (17) from the United Kingdom

I wrote this message simply to thank you for creating this wonderful site. Needless to say, I've made a few awesome friends here and even found a best friend. If it weren't for Penpal World, I'd never have that chance. Again, thank you. I've recommended this site to some of my friends and even they liked it.
Rainy (14) from India

i recently joined your excellent site and found it unique in the penpal business. not only because of technical and aesthetic aspects, but also due to the kind of people who are using it. you have managed to build a friendly environment for nice people seeking friendship - a lovely small world!
Adel (60) from Iran

I've tried several penpalling websites but i have to say that this is the best one! Rverything is great! Contacting system, penpals, support team which i have used it for the first time,. This is the website i think have the best system for all the members and people here are so kind and frienly! Thank you PenpalWorld team! You're great! You're the best!
Rumeysa (16) from Turkey

hi Jakob, You've got a wonderful profile and very nice wife. Your service is terrific beyond measure. It's saved my life from being boring. And taught me how to be a friend. I owe you a world of thanks.
Ron (44) from USA

After reading your Bio, I became speechless, just thank you so much for making the world closer.. you just proved to me that a human being can do wonders even if he's alone. a huge big up for you mate, you just inspired me in a unique way. I just spent one day here, I reaaally loved it, I think it's even better than Facebook! or any other place! keep it clean, keep it alive. Thank you for bringing the world more to our arms.
Nour (19) from Spain

Hello, I'm Katie from England and I used Penpal world for a year but had to delete it due to school and homework getting quite heavy. I just want to thank you for an amazing service while I was on here. I've made 7 friends around the world, all of whom I am still in contact with. I felt very welcome and safe here, the user friendly controls (being able to set out parameters) were excellent and I've never seen them elsewhere. If I ever get the time and am able to get back into Penpalling I will most certainly return here.
Katie from England

I just wanted to thank you guys and the maker of this site. I've used it on and off for 5 years I think and I've met several friends and penpals that I'm still in touch with today. I'm really amazed at the growth of this site as well! If I remember correctly, the creator ran this all by his lonesome for a while so it's really great to see his creation grow and takeoff. I wish you more success.
Ty (23) from USA

My name is Elouise, and I come from Belgium. I send you this mail to thank you. I've met a girl from Poland on PenPal World almost four years ago. We became very good friends. This is all thanks to you. We started as strangers, telling our story. But the past years, we came to know each other and told each other our problems and strugles, but also the great things about life. We've both changed a lot, but we're still great friends. I want to thank you for this, because without you, I would never have met her. Thank you for giving us these opportunities!
Elouise (18) from Belgium

Thanks for this site. I am 65 and have met many new friends. Thank you again for letting us have a way to contact people all over the world. You have made me very happy. God bless you.
Mark (65) from USA

I'd like to say thank you for this website, I was looking for a website that allows me to speak with people from anywhere and PenPal is what I was looking for!!
Julien (21) from France

Just wanted to thank you for providing a website, that can link millions of people across the globe, keeping us connected, and filling a much needed gap in our mind for a yearning of far away cultures and friends...
Elbertm (29) from USA

I don't know who this will send to exactly, but I just wanted to say thank you to whoever made this website. I love meeting new people without even having to leave the comfort of my house. I can learn about different cultures of the other side of the world just by a few clicks. Thanks
Nicole (17) from USA

This is hands down the best pen pal site I've been to. There's something about the format that is ideal for fostering a different experience here than on other sites, whether they be dating sites or pen pal sites or whatever. Maybe it's the short profile text and single profile photo. It sets up for just a quick intro and encourages people to take a leap toward setting up their own communication. It must also be the type of users brought here. I don't know what it is, but thank you and please don't ever transition to become like interpals or some other site, because this place is unique
Scott (27) from USA

Just clicked on "About" and saw that you you are a one-man show. Very impressive! It really is a fun site. Congrats and thanks again!
anonymous (55) from USA

Just a quick note to say thank you so much for having created this site. If it wasn't for you, then I would never have met what I am hoping will turn out to be my best friend forever. I will certainly promote your site to everyone, whether they want to know or not!! If the need ever arises, I will return with lightening speed. Thank you once again.
Kim (40) from United Kingdom

For a long time I wanted to communicate with people in general in a non-chat format. It was only when I was on vacation with limited access and resorted to exchanging long emails with a friend who was similarly inclined that I realized that what I wanted was penpals. 45 years ago I had them but I had forgotten about the whole things. The social networking apps that are really fronts for dating apps are a poor substitute for PPW.
Max (68) from Italy

I really wanted to say how much I enjoy this site and what a great idea it is! It has helped me make a few friends from the complete other side of the world, something which I never thought I would have been able to do!
Anyka (17) from Canada

My daughter found your website and told me it might be a fun thing. I have only been doing the free version for a couple weeks, but its been fun so far. I am thinking of joining...so just thought I would send you a thank you note for creating this web site. I have found two people that seem very nice, I have never traveled out of the US and your site gives a unique way of learning about other countries and cultures.
Linda (61) from Arizona USA

Thank you again for your support. Because of your prompt actions and excellent customer support i subscribed and became a VIP member. I am looking forward to meeting new penpals on your site.
Denny (62) from USA

I am really enjoying PenPal World and I've been meeting some very nice pen pals on here so thank you for this website! This in my opinion is the best pen pal website that I've come across. Honestly.
Julie (38) from USA

Just want to congrat you for a job well done. I have enjoyed using this for about 3 years.
Tim (74) from Florida USA

I would like to first say that your website is wonderful. I went on it originally to find some pen pals from the country I plan on visiting this year. Instead I ended up having pen pals from so many interesting countries.
Teresa (47) from USA

Hello Mr. Jakob Herrmann. I just wanted to compliment you and your wife for an amazing pen pal site and for the great and safe service that you have provided. I have made many friends since joining your site back in April and most everyone I have met has been nice. There were a few jerks that I met along the way, but that is to be expected anywhere you go. But I have really enjoyed my experience on here and have met and made some wonderful friends along the way. I've always wanted a pen pal and I have even had the honor of getting and exchanging actual mail with some of them. I have been to other pen pal sites, but none were as good as this one, especially InterPals! Hands down, yours is the best! If you hadn't had that sleepless night, I might have never met my wonderful friends!
Michael from USA

Jakob & Linda, Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I have made two new friends in Portugal. They help me with my Portuguese and I help them with their English. It is very nice to have pen pals. Thank you so much.
Gerardo (61) from USA

I want to tell you that I joined this website on october 28 2014. I uploaded my picture after writing in the text for my profile. I thought my picture would instantly show up on my page but it said waiting for approval. I was anxious to start my search for a penpal. I sent a message to you telling you about my concern for not having my picture approved yet. Withing an hour I get a response from customer support telling me it usually takes 12 to 24 hours for approval. The amazing part about the rest of the response I got was that my profile pic was already up and I no longer had to wait. I was very impressed at how quickly customer support responded. Not only that they resolved the issue about my picture being approved. Now that is what I call superior customer service. In this day and age with advanced technology there are many competitive websites for the same kind of services. The ones that survive and and do the the best are superior customer support. It is what makes Penpalworld stand out as the cream of the crop. I wish penpalworld continued prosperity and success sincerley. Best regards Karim
Karim (52) from USA

Hi, don't know where else to write but just here. This is to say thank you so much for pen pal.... made my days better...always looking forward to messages and new friends but most of all,thank you for blocking unwanted persons on pen pal world. Thank you once again,
Marchie (45) from India

I think PenPal World is the best penfriend site around. I've been a member of most of them over the years but this site is superior!! Keep up the good work!! Thank you.
Brian (40) from Ireland

I like to have friends allover the world and try to discover new thoughts and new cultures . i became desperate when i could not find a descent website without spams or other annoying stuff. i was thinking to make one as i did not think there is something like your world .But accidently i found yours . i enjoyed a lot and have chances to have the friends i am looking for . So, i have to Thank you very much and offer any kind of help needed. I will spread the word and invite my friends to visit your website .
Islam (32) from Egypt

So far so good, no issues or scam on here yet! That's what keeps me here time and time again at Pen Pal World! I do however have profiles set up on other sites where people can connect and make new acquaintances, but I experienced a lot of phishing attacks and proposals over money and other harmful e-mails just by using other pen friend websites. So my point is that I love the safety and the integrity of your website with all due respect! I'll be sure to spread the word regarding this website to my friends and followers per say like Facebook and other places of contact that I frequent!
Michael (45) from USA

I just really really wanted to say thank you for Penpalworld. It's made me meet so many wonderful people, and I really do believe you've made the lives of so many lonely people happier, brighter and full of hope. Thank you for your work, you're doing an amazing job.
Edward (15) from United Arab Emirates

Hi Webmaster, you have created a great pen pal site! It is very good, the best! I have found many nice friends!
EasyTeasy (73) from Australia

i`m comparing you to interpals i`m active there but interpals is full of crap !!! your site is by FAR better and i realy made much more friends here!!!
Mohamed (30) from Egypt

I do appreciate your service. You have done a great effort to bring people from around the world together in a decent (civilized and fun) forum. I have been a member for a year or two and look forward to the future as a kind of cyber travel. Thank you for your efforts.
Len (48) from Japan

Thank you so much for creating this wonderful site! I've been a member since last spring and have made some amazing connections across the globe.
Katherine (37) from USA

This website is so awsome ! Thank you so much penpalworld ! Because of you , i found my girlfriend there and we are so happy together ! Thank you Penpalworld :D
Alaa (16) from Tunisia

i love this website i made so much friends here, unlike other websites which i couldn't find friends. so thanks to your wonderful website im happy i got friends from all over the world .
Alister (30) from Malta

Could I just add my congratulations and very good wishes on this splendid penpal site. Have met and maintained a number of valuable contacts. I am very grateful for its existence. I am normally living in remote bush in far NW Queensland, and these email friendships greatly reduce loneliness and the sense of isolation. I wish you well and thank you for making this brilliant site readily available to the world.
Sue from Australia

Hi! I just wanted to say a big 'thank you'. I joined this site in February and have since met so many friends that I've had to delete my account because I felt I couldn't keep up with everyone! I am currently in regular contact with several people via emails and snail mail too! This site has done eveything it promised to do and more and I almost feel guilty for the fact that I didn't have to pay to use it! Thank you so much for a great experience!
Edward from the United Kingdom

Dear Penpalworld.com I just want to thank you for all you made in my life. I'm using this website for a long time now, I started comming here when I was really young and at that time I was starting learning English language. Nowadays I'm an English speaker and it still helps me to learn languages that is something I do love. I really wish I could thank you all that work hard for make this website amazing as it is and thank you for changing my life. As always, I still recommend penpalworld for all my friends. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) A HUGE fan of penpal.
Loayce (24) from Brazil

So far, everything on Pen Pal World is working very nice and smooth without any concern! I periodically browse quietly through profiles at random to ensure genuine pen pal article for the safety of your guests. Everyone here that I visited so far has done an excellent job at making other users feel at ease and at peace with this site. Pen Pal World is one of the most well organized and lavishly designed social media forums available on the World Wide Web today!
Michael (44) from USA

Dear admins of Penpalworld.com, Firstly, I want to thank you so much for your website. I actually made an account with few other penpal websites, but was disappointed. Most penpal websites promote "Dating" and only that. Your site is just as your name. Penpals from all over the world. This isn't like myself to compliment service providers but I couldn't help myself. You folks are greatly appreciated, and I will continue to use your services.
AznxLinnie (21) from USA

I would like to thank you Jakob Herrmann for all your effort to run this amazing website. Penpalworld has taught me that the distance can surprisingly bring people close together...And as for all the pen-pal-friends I've made so far I'd like to thank you for the comments, messages, kind words, emails, songs and pics you have sent me.
Guinho (21) from Brazil

Thank you Herrmann for programming this wonderful site and making people able to become friends! i have found so many interesting and nice people already. your service is a great enrichment in this world! incredible you built it all by yourself. thank you!
George (26) from Austria

You have made so many people happy with this site...I found a best friend on here..thank you
Thavilis (38) from Brazil

WOW! Amazing! I've been a member for 3 days and have 4 pen pals, one of which I have already shared long emails with. Amazing! Everyone I've met here is polite and very amiable. Thanks!
ImOnlySaying (55) from the USA

Hello! I would like to thank all the team who worked to make this site much more interested and appealing. I am a member since 2010 (if I remember well... LOL) but only recently I have noticed the new "look" of this site. Brilliant!! Well done!! Your affectionate member.
Moonlight121 (46) from Italy

Dear everyone at penpal world, My name is Izzy. I am 13. This site is AMAZING and has helped me make friends with people from all over the world! Thanks to you, i will have friends that i can pop out to see and its so nice to talk! Thanks again, Izzy :)
Izzy (13) from the UK

All I can say to you is just thank you! My life has been full of delight since I met this FANTASTIC site! Im not kidding! Thank you!! I met so many cool and wonderful people in only a few days, and I could talk to them. Isnt it really interesting that we can talk to people from another side of the earth? I wont forget this site ever!! Promise to you all.
Cho from Korea

I enjoyed it very much thanks. Sorry I had to cancel my account though. I really enjoyed the site and it was THE ONLY site I used to meet new people and most of the people were friendly but you can't really control that, but it was really a nice experience. Thanks for having me for a little while. Enjoy!
Alyssa from Wyoming, USA

Thanks for making this website. I do have a lot of trouble telling people I know personally what I think and that and with this I can make new friends who some of them actually understand what im going through. You guys made life a whole lot better for me, to be honest. Haha . (: Thanks a ton ! (:
Sarah from Manitoba, Canada

I am so glad I have the opportunity to write to you and thank you, I desperately wanted a couple of lady penfriends to write to and after joining Pen Pal World in just a few days I had acquired 3 we had all exchanged e.mails Thankyou so much for helping me, this is a wonderful site.
Sandra from the United Kingdom

With your page you open new world to so many people, like you gave us chance to do something with our lives... you give calm to stressed people, company to the lonely ones, and keep some of us (like me) busy during sleepless nights...Thank you!!! Do you realize you make people the best what a man can do to others? - you make as happy :) all the best for you!
Gosia from Poland

Love this penpal site :) Its the best one I have found. One of the best things I like is I can find my way around it easily - I am one of these people who is not very computer literate :)
Jan from Queensland, Australia

Thank for this website,I finally find a penpal and e-mail to other friends around the world. Love this site and keep it up your good job.
Agnes from the Solomon Islands

Hey, I just wanted to say great job with the site. You have really found a way to use the internet to bring people together. (Also, as a student, thanks for making VIP be so cost-effectiveaffordable! We appreciate it!) Keep doing a good job!
Ashley from USA

I wanted just to say to you that your site is brilliant, I like the concept and I wish you a good continuation! coordialement!
Amélie from Rhone, France

thank you for the wonderful site that you have going on... i have never heard from anyone who is not kind. i think your site is one of the best out there... keep up the good work...you are appreciated.
Marianne from California, USA

hello. im having a nice time on the penpal world every time, thanks.
Mika from Japan

I think that things like this are rare and it I will not let it stop my enjoyment of the site. It is the best penpal one going.
Diane from England, United Kingdom

I just wanted to say thanks for providing such a wonderful service, I have got to know some really great people since I joined. Keep up the good work.
Angie from Ireland

Thank you fore your sight (penpalpal wourld). I would like yu to know, I have made a DEAR FRIEND, in CHINA!, (we have been talking for ABOUT, 3 YEARS, and (we) have become, BEST FRIENDS!! WE, (I) TALK almost,, EVERY DAY
James from USA

I just wanted to let you know that I will reactivate my profile in a few months. I have met some wonderful people thanks to your site. I will be away travelling for a few months and do not think I will have the time to check in as regularly as I would like and put of fairness to anyone who might reply to my profile I feel it is just better to pause. Can't wait to be back with your site
Vyolet from Queensland, Australia

Greetings Jakob. I am writing to let you know that I have throughly enjoyed being a member of penpal world and have made some friends that i continue to write to on a regular basis and with life, I think it is a great site and I have encouraged others in my family to experience the great penpal world, so thank you very much for taking the time to produce this site and may you stay happy and healthy.
David from Victoria, Australia

Hey yeah Boss!! ^^ Thanks for this website!! Good Job ;)
Patrick from Carinthia, Austria

Many thanks from the British! seriously, really lovely idea thankyou for putting in the time :)
Jessica from the United Kingdom

penalworld is so awesome website.it makes me know a lot of friends.thax for made it up u:)
Aunny from Thailand

Hi! Wow, what a great website you have for bringing people around the world together through email.
Vivianne from California, USA

thanks i love this site
Susannah from South Africa

Great job!keep on running and running the best penpal site I've used
Elina from Varna, Bulgaria

You have made so many people happy with this site...I found a best friend on here..thank you!!
Sarah from England, United Kingdom

Thanks for such a great website!I like it very much!:D
Anastasia from Primorskiy, Russia

Thank you so much for this site! *hugs* I appreciate all you do here!
Sheryl from the USA

You have done a magnificent work with your website and thousands are thank to you! The best to you!
CS from the USA

I like what you have done!!! I appreciate the service you provided for me for one month. Thanks.
Latina from Iowa, USA

I have just recently created a profile on penpal world. I feel that its a magnificent and safe way to meet new people and make friends without all the worries about internet saftey. All im saying is thanx to all of you whom worked hard at creating this site.
Bynda from Canada

Hi, Thanks again for your help and I will remember this! Penpal World is my most visited and favorite website!
DaMutt from the USA

Hi Jakob, i am very impressed how far your site has come since it was green.. i have been using the site for years and have to say its still one of my favourite social sites.
James from the UK

Its Not Very Often You Get Such A Great Response And Care With Online Issues I Commend You On This. :)
Brenda from the USA

I honestly did enjoy your service, and appreciate it. Thank you very much for your service, I had a really great experience and met plenty of new people thanks to your program, and I've recommended it to various people, and will continue to do so.
Merari from Maryland, USA

Hello Hermann, Many thanks for establishing such a wonderful website. I have made many new friends around the world which truly enriching my knowledge about various cultures.
Lotus from Arizona, USA

Hi Am Roza from Spore. Nice to know that u are the webmaster of this website. I really like yr website, simple to use and most imptly free! hahaa..Btw, it's so brilliant of u to come up with the idea. I had so far found few nice pals eversince i joined as a member. Cheers.
Roza from Singapore

Hello Hermann, Many thanks for establishing such a wonderful website. I have made many new friends around the world which truly enriching my knowledge about various cultures.
Lotus from Arizona, USA

hi, i just want to say thanks for making this...ive made some life-long friends on this site and i recomend it to many people...just wanted to pass you a few words and kudos from me...for what its worth..
Donna from New South Wales, Australia

This is very cool and has worked great for me. I've met lots of really great people, especially my friends from England and Italy. I appreciate it.
Melissa from USA

Hi there, I must give you credit for running an excellent penpal's website, probably one of the best so far.
Jenny from New Zealand

I just want to say thank you alot for the great site.I have met some very special people.One day i can only hope to make a site as great as this one to help many other people as you have done so once again thank you.
Josh from USA

hello...thanks for this PenPal world...i gain friends...since i became a member last nov.06...all of my friends i meet here are well mannered and educated...again thank you...keep it Up...take care...
Adelle from the Philippines

Thank you for this amazing website ;) The best penpal website on the internet.
David from France

Hi I would like to say thank you.. Thank you for creating such a wonderful programme. I have obtained a variety of snail mail penpals through this wonderful website. You have brought penpalling back to me, which l have not done since l was a teenager. I am always on the look out for new pals and this site helps me with that. Thank you once again
Eddy from Australia

Thanks so very much for this site
Lisa from Oklahoma, USA

Ashley from the USA

Thanks for the excellent service and its a great website - I was lucky enough to meet some very good people who I now write to a lot and put the world to rights with! Thanks once again,
Joe from United Kingdom

Hello Jakob, Penpal world is great. You have a wonderful penpal site and I must say it is one of my favorite places to visit on the World Wide Web!!
Jan from Montana, USA

Dear Jakob, Thank you for all of your help. Of all of the Pen Pal services that I've used in the past, PPW is by far the best. Thanks again for all of your hard work to insure the smooth operation of PPW.
Martin from Massachusetts, USA

Dear Mr. Herrmann, Thanks for your speedy reply. PenPalWorld is an excellent site and I will be sure to upgrade a.s.a.p! Thanks again.
Vikki from Bermuda

hi thanks for creating this website. i got a lot of friends all over the world.
Maris from the Philippines

I have achieved desired 3 humorous and pleasant pen palls from around the Globe I'm very pleased with and have to thank you for your effort. Will confess now that originally was a bit sceptic about the characters on the Page. Now I'm glad I've tried as sometimes one just need contacts with people outside of the every day life's circles and reading interesting and funny e-mail from the other side of the world is refreshing.
Vera from Croatia (Hrvatska)

Hi Just wanted to thank you for creating this wonderful website and bringing people of the world closer to each more other than ever before. I'v had success in making some friends here and hope to make many more :)
Aditya from India

Hello, i wanted to say that Penpalworld is an awesome service, it's much better than all others i've tried and it's totally free.
A member from Italy

Thank you for coming up with PenPal World,its a absolutely great idea, I'm only a member for a week or so and already found lots of friends, we e-mail each other daily.
Mariska from South Africa

I, too, thought this was a big company thing. Impressive! And very professional!
Heather from USA

Just thot of telling that itz really wonderful stuff that you have created.From childhood onwards I had this urge to meet new people and make friends all over the world. I was just browsing through and got into the site..and then got hooked.
Shabna from India

Hi , My name is Kelly and I live in Colorado. I have been a member of pen pal world since October 2005. Anyway I just wanted to thank you for starting this web site. It's wonderful!!! Just to think that you run and maintain it yourself blows me away , so thank you . you are truly gifted and appreciated and I just wanted to let you know that.So good luck to you and your family and also to your running ( how fun!)
Kelly from USA

You have been so professional and kind. There is absolutely no way you could improve your website. It is the best, most tasteful and secure site I have been on. You even warn others about the Nigerian Money Scams. Thank you again, Jakob... I will definately keep your site open and recommend you to others!
Treva from Florida, USA

Hi Thanks so much for this site! It's the best! I have made a new friend and a very cool pen pal! Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Nicole from South Africa

Hi Jacob. I have had a wonderful time on pen pal world met some great people and I thank you for that!
Bobbie from New South Wales, Australia

You had a great idea with pen pal world And your resume is nice and appaling Keep on with this magnificent job
Mike from Brussel, Belgium

hi founder its great to hear that u did such a great work i have got in touch with new friends!
Nalwadda from Uganda

I have enjoyed penpal world more than any other site I have ever visited on the net. Thankyou so much.
Julie from the United Kingdom

Just wanted to tell you that i have made some good friends on here and i love the site. Props to you
Danny from Pennsylvania, USA

Hi! Just wanted to say thanks for putting a great idea into action. I have had penpals all my life, but this reall puts a new and immediate twist on things! In three days I have "met" so many cool people who just want to exchange thoughts and ideas. In any event, keep up the good work! Your site makes the world a better - and smaller - place!
Tracy from Maryland, USA

Hi... Just to take a moment to say thank-you for all your hard work with pen-pal world..I found a very good friend thru here and after a yr we still write each other every day...Take care and keep up the good work.
Correne from Maine, USA

hey just wanna say congratulations and thanks a lot for a great website
Yumna from Gauteng, South Africa

Thanx for the whole work you did creating this fabulous communication tool :) Like frenchies say : Longue vie a Penpalworld ! ;)
Laurent from Finistere, France

I am just writing to congratulate for this great work you've done! I've made a lot of friends already.
John from Brazil

Thanks for your web. It's great.
Alfonso from Madrid, Spain

Thank you! You have the most incredible site on the internet. I have met the nicest people here.
Joni from USA

Thank u for founding PenPalWorld! I don't know what to say or how to thank you, but I want you to know PenPalWorld is a great website, so many people find new friends here. Keep ur the good work! -Kara :)
Kara from Sor-Trondelag, Norway

Hi, I just to say thank you for the site. I have met some wonderful friends.
Dorothy from USA

I really like your site, its easy to get into and navigate. I've been looking at different friendship sites and yours by far is the most user friendly.
Emma from Illinois, USA

PenPalWorld.com is the best free site I've found and it's really hard to believe that only one person is working on it. Congratulations!
Mirek from Wroclaw, Poland

Hello! My name's Vanessa. I'd like to say that's a great side. I like it. And I visit it every day!!! I like to speak English, although I'm german. And with this cool, great idea of this side, my mail box isn't empty. I'd like to say THANKS!!!
Vanessa from Hessen, Germany

My hat's off to you. This is a great thing you've put together. I really appreciate the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. I have no doubt this little endeavor you've created will do more for world peace than anything our politicians are doing. And having been in computing support for many many years, I'm blown away that you can keep this up as a one man show. Outstanding.
Bryan from Washington, USA

Thank you for what you do for most people,people get married due to you,certains have and will have the live change due to you,i also think my life will change one day due to penpalworld.Have a good day.
Sebastian from Togo

Hi there!! Atlast I get to mail you..you are doing a great job...Keep it up!!! I really enjoyed making great friends thro' your website.
Dipak from Goa, India

I just wanted to thank you for a great site... I'm new to this but it's great to meet people from all over the world...
Julie from England, United Kingdom

Hello Jakob - congratulations on producing a wonderful pen pal site, have made some lovely friends thanks to you.
Jean from England, United Kingdom

thank you so much for your wonderful idea of setting up this website its been a real help for me finding new and interesting new friends!
Jodie from England, United Kingdom

I felt compelled to write to you, thanking you for my "new friend Joyce", of which I would never have discovered without the assistance of PenPal World, and I believe I can thank you on behalf of "Joyce" as well, as we have both truly enjoyed the quality time we have spent writing to each other.
Art from Ontario, Canada

I'm Arief, from Indonesia. Thank you very much for creating www.penpalworld.com!! I've joined it several weeks ago and i've already established friendship with some pals there. Even without knowing that you do a one man show, still i've gotta say that you've really done a great job!!
Arief from Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Hi, I am so happy that I found your site. It is fun and so interesting.
Eve from Texas, USA

thank you for allowing friendships to have no boundaries...this website can bring the people of the world a little closer!
Nicole from Ohio, USA

First let me congratulate you on your incredibly site and I had no idea you ran it as a one man show, that is amazing considering that it reaches to almost every country in the world....An amazing feat. and keep up the fantastic work, it is a brilliant site.
Alex from Washington, USA

I think this penpal site is awesome, it's incredible how much work it must take. Thanks for doing it!
Lindsey from Illinois, USA

Just wanted to say thanks for the quick reply! And congratulations on such a great idea for a web site...looking forward to meeting alot of different people around the world. Have a good day.
Mike from Illinois, USA

I would like to thank the creator of penpalworld, it's so ease to comunicate each other people. Thank you for that.
Valtair from Minas Gerais, Brazil

I love your website. I haven't got many new friends but I found a couple just like me. Pen pal world is so cool and I am going to upload a picture soon. I will never forget this website and thanx 4 creating it.
Cassi from North Carolina, USA

Thanks for making this, it's a great site. You must have been one of the first people to make an internet pen pal site, right? I don't think the Internet was all that big back in 1998, but it's really good to see how popular your site has become. And it's really good that you've made it free too, thanks for that.
Darren from Victoria, Autralia

I'm writing this e-mail to tell you how satisfied I have been since I joined your site. I'm making new friends from several countries, and I love the fact that your site is user-friendly and is only set up for those of us who are only looking for penpals, and not someone to date. Keep up the good work! Glad that I found you!
Darcetha from Missouri, USA

I really enjoed your site. I have found some penfriends. Thank you for it.I wish you the best and good work henceforward.
Erica from Ungary

It's a good healthy and Christian site. Keep it up.

Yes you really made a good job, I got married with a penpal that I knew on 28 of July of 2004, I knew him just one day after join penpalworld.Thanks for everything.

Wonderful site and you have created a very welcoming atmosphere with it.
Daniel from England, United Kingdom

Hey man. I love your site. It's very cool and I found some interesting people over there. That was an awesome idea you had.
Ernesto from Massachusetts, USA

Thank you VERY MUCH for remarkable beautiful excellent site!!! You help to meet and to make friends.
Lena from St.-Peters, Russia

Great site by the way! I have met a lot of cool people because of this site! *smile*
Priscilla from Queretaro, Mexico

Wow, I'm extremely impressed by the quick response. Thanks you very much. Keep up the good work!
Ian from Pennsylvania, USA

Thanks for your email. Your website is already a great service for so many people, and I do thank you for making it available free. I've just contributed a small amount, a few minutes ago. It's not much but it's my way of saying "Thank You".
Matthieux from California, USA

I have been using the penpalworld since last year and I think that among all the sites this is the best one, here we can find really many people from many countries and regions in all the world and each day new people are joing it.
Moisés from Brasília, Brazil

First of all I want to thank you for your fantastic website. I like it very much. My Mom has subscribed too and she likes it very much.
Gina from Sierre, Switzerland

hey i just wanna say i made alot of friends here from all ova the world since i joined PPW its been unbelivable just wanna say thanx 4 creatin the site

I felt it necessary to thank you again for this awesome and wonderful service. This is just amazing, Many paid services out there don't even come close to offering anything like this.
Yohandy from Florida, USA

I must say it is a GREAT site that you have, and I thank you for the opportunity I have had to meet new friends!
Mimi from London, UK

I would like to compliment you on your wonderfully crafted site. I have found it to be very user-friendly, clear and concise. Information is quickly found and easy to browse when you do not have specifics in mind. Thank you again for all your efforts. They are very much appreciated by those who use your site.
Chris from the USA

I've got many good friends because of this nice website... Thanks to you!! Actually, I dunno how to thank you! You've helped me a lot! You rule!! I love this website. This is the best pen pal website in the world!! Keep up the good work! Good luck! I hope that you'll flourish! Happy New Year!
Sangeetha from Karnataka, India

AWESOME site I really like it! :)
Jack from Louisiana, USA

I just wanted to say that this page just rocks!!! Nice idea and very good structured. I am not long here but got many PenPals now, just what I wanted ^_^' So, big thanks!!!
Andre from Germany

Ummm....... Well it is so great of you to make this site all I want to say is: Thanx a billion times!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taliah from California, USA

I`ve wanted to say to you that you have an excellent web site and service here,and i have made some wonderful friends from this. Thank you very much for letting me be a part of this.
Jeff from Melbourne, Australia

I am writing to thank you for your penpal web site. I signed up a few weeks ago - and already have met some interesting people with whom I am corresponding. So - to the guy who wants to make the pen pal world rock: You Rock!
Gary from Tacoma, USA

Well, just wanted to congratulate you on the great job you've done on penpal. It is awesome, and best of all, screenreader friendly to us blind and visually impaired people. That is one of the main reasons I enjoy it so much. Good luck, and thanks again for this awesome service!
Yohandy from Florida, USA

I've met 2 wonderful pen-pals since I've joined your site...both exactly what I needed...you're doing a wonderful thing. I just wanted to make sure you know that there are people out here that appreciate you and the wonderful job and service that you are providing for us that just needed an extra friend or two.
Carol from Las Vegas, USA

Please add me to your list of fans of your Pen pal site! It is really awesome and it indeed rocks! I have met the best of folks on your site! I think your site is by far the best of all penal sites I have encountered. Especially nice it that you do not disclose e-mail addresses! The site is user friendly and so easy! I know I will be a member forever!

I appreciate very much for all you have done for people who are looking for true friendship via this site, it's a wonderful place to meet people around the world and I hope you will keep this job as possible as you can.
Qing from Hubei, China

I was a member of PenPalWorld early in 2003 and just looked at it again and it has been improved greatly by the design and utility of the new Penpalworld website. You do a great job with an uncluttered and very user-friendly interface. Thanks for the site.
Ken from Arkansas, USA

I had not logged in awhile, and I just wanted to say that the new layout of the website is awesome! It looks really great.
Falone from Rhode Island, USA

I like how every time I login to your site... theres something different.It keeps the site looking new. I love your site,keep up the great work.
Jose from Brooklyn, USA

I totally LOVE your site! It's by far the best penpal site I've found, and I've been palling for 10 years now! Thanks much!
Ashley from Wisconsin, USA

Wow, great fast response! Thanks again, Have great day!
Kazzy from Charlotte, North Carolina

hello,i love your page, it's an easy way to find friends!!
Diana from Paderborn, Germay

I'd like to thank you for your excellent service, and I've found your web site fantastic to meet new penpals.
Casey from Melbourne, Australia

To the webmaster and founder of PENPALWORLD. I'm enjoying your site very much and i think it is one of the best in its category on the web.
Itay from Tel Aviv, Israel

I wanted to write a quick thank-you for penpalworld.com. In under a week, I have met about 20 people in almost as many countries, and am enjoying it probably more than I would have at age 9! The site is very well run, and clearly an excellent source for writing to numerous people all over the world.
Dan from Indiana, USA

I have been on penpalworld for over a year now and I just love it. I have met some really nice people on it. Two that I have become really close to and also call.
Marlena from Texas, USA

Thank you sooo much for this website! Without it, I wouldn't have a friend from Finland, USA, Sri Lanka, Britain, and South Korea. This site is doing wonderful things and every day there is a change to make our lives easier. Without this, I would be nothing. Thank you sooooo much. God Bless you all.
Jonathan from Manitoba, Canada

I just want to say thank you for the very quick reply!! I was surprised because not many webmasters care to help people like this, or even reply so quickly! That's really great. :) And I will continue using this site because I think it's really good.
Anna from Sweden

I'm glad to penpalword for having successfully linked me to a friend. Please keep it up and I appreciate your services. God bless you. byeee!
Bolingo from Kampala, Uganda

I'm a member of penpalworld.com I just wanted to e-mail you 'Thank you':-) Your work is really nice.
Tantawan from Chiangmai, Thailand

Thanks again for your time and effort - I can't think of any other website that has given me the level of prompt and courteous assistance that yours has...you're a credit to the internet!
Steve from Massachusetts, USA

You do a great service to people worldwide. You provide a chance for international understanding the right way, one to one.
Bob from Kentucky, USA

I think that penpalworld is more safer and interesting than before. Thank you for your new look.
Raija from Finland

I love your web site i have a lot of friends

Hello, I enjoy your penpal site for a long time! Thank you for making this wonderful site!
Haruko from Japan

Hi! Wonderful site you have here! I had no idea I would be getting so many emails.

I like the site. Thank you for the initiative. Its very easy to use and ufriendly. Many of these sites are complicated and not as accessible to blind people, while yours is.

I just wanted to let you know I realy like this website and I already made some good friends through it.
Veerle from Belgium

Congratulations for your web site! I really like it ;)

you're doing a good work, keep it up

I really love your website. It brings a lot of new things to my life.


Your layout and presentation is so neat and user friendly, i am impressed.

I just LOVE this site! I visit it every day! I love this site!!!!!!!!

I love your site it is awesome!

Hi I love your website I have lots of pals now...

I would like to thank you so much for your web site. I have made many friends from all over the world, thanks to you. Keep up the good web site.

I have really enjoyed using this web site. I must say from the dept of my heart that it is great. Of all the penpal websites I have visited, this is the most easily assessed. I want to say thank you to those concerned.

Hey...I just want to say..that I found a penpal off of your website..and hes amazing..we have been keeping touch ever since..thank you alot...

I just think that this is a great website its wonderful. Ive met some very interesting people thanks to this website. Its been a pleasure using it thanx to the creators...

Hi,Just want to say thanks for this site. I meet a wonderful friend through your column about 6 months ago and we have started a wonderful relationship. We are in two different countries but with the Lords blessings we will be together forever very soon. Thanks for ever starting penpalworld.

I'd just like to say that I love your site and have a nice day.

i just wanted 2 thank u 4 making this website. without this website i would have naver met this gurl

i just wanted to let you know i appreciate this penpal service cos in few days i got many replies and this site is DECENT,unlike many others which i found,keep it up
Irene from Finland

ur website is sooooo cool. i luv the chat box

Very very very beautiful this site!Thank you!!!
Carlotta from Italy

i just wanted 2 tell you that i luv this site-its great and thankz for creating it

As a result of joining PPW I now have now have friends in America,Nepal and Iran. Thanks for a very good Web Site.
Hayward from England

Thank you so much for your great Website, where I have found many "ideal penpals", serious, unusual, warm and interesting human beings. I have never received any silly or inappropriate mail. Thanks again for the great initiative, which is really promoting friendship and understanding on this planet! Keep up with the good work.
Rolande from Israel

Great side ! It is super-structured and offers a big variety of countries. And the safety is also very good. Congratulations and Thanks!
Katja from Germany

This is a really nice website. Thank you for keeping the penpal world together.

I have tried numerous pen pal freind finder sites.All ended up with pay and contact deals. But i was in for a surprise when i posted my adds in penpal world and got a wonderful response and now i communicate with people from atleast 5 different countries. My wish is for you to run this service all time free for the sake of improving inter cultural relations between countries. Keep up the good work!

This site is so great! I just joined last night and i love it! I especially like the chat rooms. Tankies!

signed my son up for penpal world so he can learn about other cultures to help him in school projects. just wanted to say what a great site this is and ask you to keep up the good work. i know that my son can come into this site and i dont have to worry about him being exposed to inappropriate behavior or adults trying to prey on children! thanks so very much for your vigilance
Stephanie (Daniel's mom)

You*re really kewl! I love penpalworld.com. I heard about it from my cousin, who has a penpal she met on your website! I have 3 penpals, too. I always go into the chatboxes. :)

This site is very cool and a cool place to teens(mostly)to meet.I would like to thank you for making this site.THANKS!

I am a Chinese user!Several weeks ago I searched this site by Yahoo!It's really great!

Thanks. I met some people I like to call friends now. So thanks for this web site.

Hi, ure website is really good, i already have about 15 friends of ere, keep up da good workxx

Thanks very much for your nice penpal website.it is simple user friendly and no hassle to join.Please keep it up
Sipho from Zambia

I just wanted to say thanks for a wonderful penpal site I havent been here long but Ive already made a couple penpals thanks again.

this service is so wonderful thank you so much

Wonderful site, and I have made a few friends.

i love this sit i come every day since i foud out about it. you did a GREAT JOB.

I have to thank you!... Throu Penpal World you can discover the world...Here are so many nationalities and concepts that for the people who seek for deep knowledge it's a bless ! Belive me !
Iron Rose

This site is great..^^
Joung from South Korea

I think you site is great.I have a great penpal.Thank You


Thank you for your Very GOOD penpalworld~^^

I love your site! I can't believe you came up with such a great site, I just wanted to let you know that this site has gotten me new friends! Thank you ever so much!

Hi! Thank you so much for the site! I love this site. It is one of the best sites I have seen for many years. Thank you! I now have 10 penpals that are all from you! Thank you!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SITE!!!

I love this site and I have made alot of freinds here.And I also refered this site to my future sis-in-law she loves it too.

Just want to say that this is a MAD awesome site! It's proven to be a success when dealing with finding cool overseas friends! Many people complain that they never get e-mails from people. My suggestion is, put yourself out there first! Then watch the e-mails come flooding in! Thanks again for this site! TOTALLY rock on!

THIS WEB SITE IS GREAT I have always wanted a pen pal and this is the web site for it all

your penpal world is good very good, keep up the good work

i love this site i'm glad to have it and i made new friends from all over

I just wanted to say that I think your web-site is awesome. I just put up an ad for myself 2 days ago, and I already have 2 answers. That's a reply a day! Thanks!

i really enjoy this site i thought i never get much people as pals on this site every since i had place an ad on this site i been getting pals from all over and i want to thank you so much for this site

penpalworld.com is great. U can find whoever u like wherever. It's great. Throughrally recomended

Thank you so much for creating this site! It has helped me meet people just like who have the same need I have: someone other your friends at school and family at home to talk to. You've opened up a whole new "world" to me and I really appreciate it. Thank You!

i thought penpalworld ic a really cool site for kids of all ages i am only 15 years old and some of us my age and old need new people to talk to every single day.

i am so happy that u made penpalworld b/c i love havin penpals its so fun i told all my friends about it

Hi, I just love penpalworld!!

I love your site it is the best place to make friends!

I really admire your absolute work that you're doing and that I say keep it up